Reading Room | S2E2 - Mixité (Diversity)

«A Paris, Le Niveau de Mixité Est de Loin Le plus élevé»,” Libé, October 24, 2013,

Blanc, Maurice. “Social Integration and Exclusion in France: Some Introductory Remarks from a Social Transaction Perspective,” Housing Studies 13, no. 6 (November 1998): 781–92, doi:10.1080/02673039883065.

Desfeux, Gilles. “Race After the ‘Post-Racial.’ Thinking Through the Proliferation of Racisms,” Text, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme | FMSH, (October 24, 2016),

des Neiges Léonard, Marie. “Who Counts in the Census? Racial and Ethnic Categories in France,” International Handbook of the Demography of Race & Ethnicity, January 2015, 537.

“Diversité Commerciale,” accessed November 2, 2016,

“La Mixité Contre Le Choix - Les Mots Sont Importants (,” accessed January 11, 2017,

Lochak, Danièle. “L’intégration comme injonction. Enjeux idéologiques et politiques liés à l’immigration,” Cultures & Conflits, no. 64 (December 20, 2006): 131–47, doi:10.4000/conflits.2136.

Tissot, Sylvie. “The Role of Race and Class in Urban Marginality,” City 11, no. 3 (2007): 364–69.

 Tissot, Sylvie and Franck Poupeau. “La spatialisation des problèmes sociaux,” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales no 159, no. 4 (December 1, 2006): 4–9.

Ware, Leland. “Color-Blind Racism in France: Bias Against Ethnic Minority Immigrants,” Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 46 (January 1, 2014): 185.